Sunday Service Sermons
220123 How Do We Define Success - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220116 He Who Rules with Justice and Righteousness - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
220109 - Our Prayers, Our Words and Our Heart - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220102 A Covenantal God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211225 The Incarnation - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211219 The Greatest Story - Andrew - Sermon Notes
211212 God's Divine Providence - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211205 Renewing Worship - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211128 The Fear of the Lord - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211114 Standing Apart - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211107 Abner Striving for Power - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211031 The King Maker - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211024 The Essence of Christianity - Andrew - Sermon Notes
211017 Blessed are Those Who See and Hear - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211010 A Man After God’s Own Heart - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211003 The Lord’s Prayer - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210926 Seen By Others Seen By God-The Mundane and the Extraordinary - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210919 Jesus Came Not For The Righteous But Sinners - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210912 Growing Together-What is in Our Hearts - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210905 Growing Together-Relationships Matters - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210829 Growing Together - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210822 Freedom Through Discipline - Bijoy - Sermon Notes
210815 Joy Amidst Suffering - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210808 Gods Rest - Andrew - Sermon Notes
210725 Wisdom-Walking with God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210718 From I to the Great I AM - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210711 The Local Church - Being the Body of Jesus Christ - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210704 A Posture of Worship - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210627 Unfinished Business - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210620 That We May Believe - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210613 It Is Finished - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210606 Truth, Power & Weakness - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210530 Courage within Gods Will - Andrew - Sermon Notes
210523 Unity in the Spirit - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210516 From Grief to Joy - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210509 Obedience In Faith - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210418 Connected To Jesus - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210411 Encountering the Resurrected Christ - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Slides
210404 Then Their Eyes Were Opened and They Recognized Him - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210402 The Veil Was Torn In Two - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210328 Salvation Has Come - Andrew - Sermon Slides
210321 The Gifts We Have in Christ - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210314 Jesus Christ-The Revelation of God - Pr Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
210307 Love and Betrayal - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210228 Love Through Humility - Pr Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
210221 Why the Cross - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210214 One Must Die for the Sake of Many - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210207 Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
210131 The Good Shepherd - Pr Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
210124 Spiritual Blindness - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200117 From Above and From Below - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210110 When Light Breaks Through - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
210103 Acceptance and Rejection - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201227 Taste and See That the Lord is Good Psalm 34 - Ps Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
201225 For God So Loved - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201220 Jesus the Bread of Life - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201213 Sovereignty and Provision - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
201206 Evidence for Christ - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201129 Salvation and the Saviour - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
201122 A Spring of Life Giving Water That Never Runs Dry - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201115 You Must Be Born Again Part 4 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201108 The Renewal of All Things Part 3 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201101 Jesus The Lamb of God - Ps Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
201025 The Gospel of John Part 1 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201018 Showing Concern and Contentment - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201011 The God of Peace - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201004 Made Alive to Christ - Carrie - Sermon Notes
200927 Living For God - Andrew - Sermon Notes
200920 Joy - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200913 I Want to Know Christ - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200906 It Takes Everyone - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200830 No Confidence on the Flesh - Ps Adam - Sermon Slides
200823 Needed Christlikeness - Ps Adam - Sermon Slides
200816 Work Out Your Salvation - Ps Adam
200809 Have the Same Mindset as Christ Jesus - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200802 Freedom Unto Godliness - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
200726 A Life Worthy of the Gospel - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200719 Freedom In Unity - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
200712 A Life Worthy of the Gospel - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200705 For The Sake of the Gospel - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200628 Trials as Crucibles - Ps Jacq - Worship and Sermon Slides
200621 Parenting - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200614 The Prayer Life of Paul - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200607 Fellowship - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200531 Anointed to Serve - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200524 Sin Will Be Removed - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200517 True Religion - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200510 Unity in Humility - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
200503 Confidence in God - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
200426 God Opposes the Proud and Favours the Humble - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200419 The Small Things Matter -Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200412 He is not here He has risen just as He said - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200410 Good Friday The Passover - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200405 Parable of the Talents Matt 25 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200329 Be Watchful Be Prepared Matt 24 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200322 God is Our Refuge Psalm 16 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200315 Learning to Trust God - Ps Adam.mp3
200301 Rights and Responsibilities - Ps Adam
200223 Going Home - Chris and Rachel
200216 A Heart for God - Ps Nam Cheng
200209 Cleansing of the Temple - Ps Adam
200202 Greatness - Ps Adam
200126 The Dwelling Place of God - Ps Adam
200119 Letting Go to Follow Jesus - Andrew
200112 The First and the Last - Ps Jacq
200105 Sowing and Nurturing - Ps Adam.mp3
191229 Reflections of the Heart - Ps Jacqueline
191225 Hope Humility and Honour - Ps Adam
191222 Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - Ps Adam.mp3
191215 Luke 1 - Rachel
191208 Forgiveness - Evelyn
191124 Devotion-What Are We Expecting From God
191201 Leadership and Vision - Ps Adam
191117 Who is the Greatest - Ps Adam
191110 Deny Oneself Take Up the Cross and Follow Jesus - Ps Adam
191103 Waiting on God - Chris
191027 The Transfiguration - Ps Adam
191020 Being Disciples of Christ - Ps Adam
191013 The Transformed Life - Andrew
191006 Inside Out - Ps Jacqueline
190929 The Kingdom of God - Ps Adam
190825 The Nature of Sin - Ps Adam
190623 Faith Money and Security - Ps Adam
190602 Withered to Restored - Ps Roy Selvaratnam
190526 A New Heart - Ps Adam
190519 Salt and Light - Ps Adam
190512 The Beatitudes - Ps Adam
190505 The Kingdom Of God - Ps Adam
190428 Temptation of Jesus Christ - Ps Adam
190317 Develop Your Calling - Andrew
190310 Love - 1 Corinthians 13 - Ps Adam
190303 Learning Love - Rachel
190224 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Ps Adam
190127 Truth Values and Outcome - Ps Adam
190106 Put Off the Old, Put on the New and Make a Stand - Ps Adam
220123 How Do We Define Success - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220116 He Who Rules with Justice and Righteousness - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
220109 - Our Prayers, Our Words and Our Heart - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220102 A Covenantal God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211225 The Incarnation - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211219 The Greatest Story - Andrew - Sermon Notes
211212 God's Divine Providence - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211205 Renewing Worship - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211128 The Fear of the Lord - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211114 Standing Apart - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211107 Abner Striving for Power - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211031 The King Maker - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211024 The Essence of Christianity - Andrew - Sermon Notes
211017 Blessed are Those Who See and Hear - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211010 A Man After God’s Own Heart - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211003 The Lord’s Prayer - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210926 Seen By Others Seen By God-The Mundane and the Extraordinary - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210919 Jesus Came Not For The Righteous But Sinners - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210912 Growing Together-What is in Our Hearts - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210905 Growing Together-Relationships Matters - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210829 Growing Together - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210822 Freedom Through Discipline - Bijoy - Sermon Notes
210815 Joy Amidst Suffering - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210808 Gods Rest - Andrew - Sermon Notes
210725 Wisdom-Walking with God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210718 From I to the Great I AM - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210711 The Local Church - Being the Body of Jesus Christ - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210704 A Posture of Worship - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210627 Unfinished Business - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210620 That We May Believe - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210613 It Is Finished - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210606 Truth, Power & Weakness - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210530 Courage within Gods Will - Andrew - Sermon Notes
210523 Unity in the Spirit - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210516 From Grief to Joy - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210509 Obedience In Faith - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210418 Connected To Jesus - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210411 Encountering the Resurrected Christ - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Slides
210404 Then Their Eyes Were Opened and They Recognized Him - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210402 The Veil Was Torn In Two - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210328 Salvation Has Come - Andrew - Sermon Slides
210321 The Gifts We Have in Christ - Pr Adam - Sermon Slides
210314 Jesus Christ-The Revelation of God - Pr Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
210307 Love and Betrayal - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210228 Love Through Humility - Pr Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
210221 Why the Cross - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210214 One Must Die for the Sake of Many - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210207 Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
210131 The Good Shepherd - Pr Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
210124 Spiritual Blindness - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200117 From Above and From Below - Pr Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
210110 When Light Breaks Through - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
210103 Acceptance and Rejection - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201227 Taste and See That the Lord is Good Psalm 34 - Ps Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
201225 For God So Loved - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201220 Jesus the Bread of Life - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201213 Sovereignty and Provision - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
201206 Evidence for Christ - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201129 Salvation and the Saviour - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
201122 A Spring of Life Giving Water That Never Runs Dry - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201115 You Must Be Born Again Part 4 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201108 The Renewal of All Things Part 3 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201101 Jesus The Lamb of God - Ps Jacqueline - Worship and Sermon Slides
201025 The Gospel of John Part 1 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201018 Showing Concern and Contentment - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
201011 The God of Peace - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201004 Made Alive to Christ - Carrie - Sermon Notes
200927 Living For God - Andrew - Sermon Notes
200920 Joy - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200913 I Want to Know Christ - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200906 It Takes Everyone - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200830 No Confidence on the Flesh - Ps Adam - Sermon Slides
200823 Needed Christlikeness - Ps Adam - Sermon Slides
200816 Work Out Your Salvation - Ps Adam
200809 Have the Same Mindset as Christ Jesus - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200802 Freedom Unto Godliness - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
200726 A Life Worthy of the Gospel - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200719 Freedom In Unity - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
200712 A Life Worthy of the Gospel - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200705 For The Sake of the Gospel - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200628 Trials as Crucibles - Ps Jacq - Worship and Sermon Slides
200621 Parenting - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200614 The Prayer Life of Paul - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200607 Fellowship - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200531 Anointed to Serve - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200524 Sin Will Be Removed - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200517 True Religion - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200510 Unity in Humility - Carrie - Worship and Sermon Slides
200503 Confidence in God - Andrew - Worship and Sermon Slides
200426 God Opposes the Proud and Favours the Humble - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200419 The Small Things Matter -Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200412 He is not here He has risen just as He said - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200410 Good Friday The Passover - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200405 Parable of the Talents Matt 25 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200329 Be Watchful Be Prepared Matt 24 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200322 God is Our Refuge Psalm 16 - Ps Adam - Worship and Sermon Slides
200315 Learning to Trust God - Ps Adam.mp3
200301 Rights and Responsibilities - Ps Adam
200223 Going Home - Chris and Rachel
200216 A Heart for God - Ps Nam Cheng
200209 Cleansing of the Temple - Ps Adam
200202 Greatness - Ps Adam
200126 The Dwelling Place of God - Ps Adam
200119 Letting Go to Follow Jesus - Andrew
200112 The First and the Last - Ps Jacq
200105 Sowing and Nurturing - Ps Adam.mp3
191229 Reflections of the Heart - Ps Jacqueline
191225 Hope Humility and Honour - Ps Adam
191222 Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - Ps Adam.mp3
191215 Luke 1 - Rachel
191208 Forgiveness - Evelyn
191124 Devotion-What Are We Expecting From God
191201 Leadership and Vision - Ps Adam
191117 Who is the Greatest - Ps Adam
191110 Deny Oneself Take Up the Cross and Follow Jesus - Ps Adam
191103 Waiting on God - Chris
191027 The Transfiguration - Ps Adam
191020 Being Disciples of Christ - Ps Adam
191013 The Transformed Life - Andrew
191006 Inside Out - Ps Jacqueline
190929 The Kingdom of God - Ps Adam
190825 The Nature of Sin - Ps Adam
190623 Faith Money and Security - Ps Adam
190602 Withered to Restored - Ps Roy Selvaratnam
190526 A New Heart - Ps Adam
190519 Salt and Light - Ps Adam
190512 The Beatitudes - Ps Adam
190505 The Kingdom Of God - Ps Adam
190428 Temptation of Jesus Christ - Ps Adam
190317 Develop Your Calling - Andrew
190310 Love - 1 Corinthians 13 - Ps Adam
190303 Learning Love - Rachel
190224 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Ps Adam
190127 Truth Values and Outcome - Ps Adam
190106 Put Off the Old, Put on the New and Make a Stand - Ps Adam
Wednesday Prayer Meeting Sermons
240214 Faith: Taking Hold of the Promises of God - Pr Adam
240207 Praying Before Acting - Pr Jacqueline
240124 Living in the Blessings of Salvation - Pr Jacqueline
231213 Renewed by His Word - Pr Adam
231206 From Darkness to Light - Pr Adam
231129 Give Thanks to the Lord-His Love Endures Forever - Pr Jacqueline
231122 The Way of the Remnant - Pr Adam
231115 You Are Valuable to God - Alex
231108 Taking Hold of God's Promises in Difficult Times - Pr Adam
231101 Rest - Pr Jacqueline
231025 The Harvest is Plentiful - Pr Jacqueline
231018 The Holy God - Pr Adam
231011 The Unfruitful Vineyard 2- Pr Adam
231004 The Unfruitful Vineyard - Pr Adam
230927 The Branch of the Lord - Pr Adam
230920 When We Despise Our Foundations - Pr Adam
230913 Freedom in Christ - Alex
230906 Intervention Before Destruction - Pr Jacqueline
230830 Isaiah-When God is Left Out - Pr Adam
230823 God's Attributes - Alex
230816 Guide Me in Your Truth - Pr Jacqueline
230809 Raised to be God's Children - Pr Adam
230802 A Prayer Life That Shapes our Life - Pr Adam
230726 Apart From God - Pr Adam
230719 Gods Vision for the Church - Pr Adam
230712 The Mighty Presence of God - Pr Adam
230705 Exclusive Devotion - Pr Jacqueline
230621 An Invitation to Ask, Seek, and Knock - Pr Adam
230614 My Eyes Have Seen The King, The Holy God - Shanti
230607 A Sensitive Heart-A Heart That is Shaped By God - Pr Adam
230531 Steadfast in the Holy Scriptures - Pr Jacqueline
230524 Like a Child - Pr Adam
230517 The Blessing of Being Secure in Christ - Pr Adam
230510 What is Mankind that You Are Mindful of Us - Pr Jacqueline
230503 Stepping Out in Faith - Alex
230426 Do You Love Me - Shanti
230419 Dying to the Old and Living in the New - Pr Jacqueline
230412 Embracing Hope in Adverse Circumstances - Pr Adam
230405 A World That Mocks and Scorns Jesus Christ - Pr Adam
230329 Wash Me - Shanti
230322 Christ Has Prepared A Place For Me - Pr Adam
230315 The God Who Delivers - Pr Jacqueline
230308 Rending Our Hearts Before the Lord - Pr Adam
230301 The Blessed Life of the Vulnerable - Pr Adam
230222 Fasting and Prayer - Pr Jacqueline
230215 The Path of Life - Shanti
230208 The Lord's Prayer - Pr Adam
230201 Calling on the Name of the Lord - Alex
230125 The Presence of God - Pr Adam
230118 Stand in the Gap - Pr Adam
221214 Blessed is the One - Pr Adam
221207 In His Time - Alex
221130 Worship in Spirit and Truth - Pr Jacqueline
221123 Spiritual Blessings-Sin Separation and Race - Pr Adam.mp3
221116 Spiritual Blessings- Spiritual Authority - Pr Adam
221109 To Be Born Again-Regeneration - Pr Jacqueline
221102 Life Flows from the Inside Out - Shanti
221026 The God Who Called Us is Faithful - Alex
221019 Spiritual Blessings-Knowing God - Pr Adam
221005 Power to Witness - Pr Jacqueline
220928 The Seal of the Holy Spirit - Pr Adam
220921 Get Wisdom Though It Cost All You Have - Shanti
220914 Storing Eternal Treasures - Pr Jacqueline
220907 Spiritual Blessings Part 2 - Pr Adam
220824 The God of Second Chances - Alex
220817 Knowing Every Spiritual Blessing - Pr Adam
220810 Stand Firm - Pr Jacqueline
220803 Being Spiritually Awake - Pr Adam
220727 Life in the Spirit-Having the Mind of Christ- Pr Jacqueline
220720 Life in the Spirit-From Old to New - Shanti
220713 Fullness of the Spirit - Pr Adam
220706 The Gifts of the Spirit-Love is the Better Way - Pr Adam
220629 Fruit Bearers - Shanti
220622 The Gifts of the Spirit-The Mind and The Spirit- Pr Adam
220615 The Gifts of the Spirit 4 - Pr Jacqueline
220608 The Gifts of the Spirit 3 - Pr Jacqueline
220601 The Gifts of the Spirit 2 - Pr Adam
220525 The Gifts of the Spirit - Pr Jacqueline
220518 Sowing and Reaping - Pr Adam
220511 Life in the Spirit-The Fruit of the Spirit - Pr Jacqueline
220427 Life in the Spirit - Pr Adam
220420 Freedom in the Spirit - Pr Adam
220413 The Servant King - Pr Adam
220406 Unity in the Spirit.mp3
220330 The Church: A Spirit-Filled and United Community - Pr Jacqueline
220323 A New Community - Pr Adam
220316 The Holy Spirit: Good Works, Confrontation and Courage - Pr Adam
220309 Life in the Spirit - Shanti - Sermon Notes
220302 A New Covenant - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220223 The Pentecost - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220216 Another Advocate - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
220209 Who Can Contend with the Lord - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
220126 The Holy Spirit - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211215 Come All Who Are Weary - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211208 The Right Response - Shanti - Sermon Notes
211201 Bless the Lord and Forget Not His Benefits II - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211124 Bless the Lord and Forget Not His Benefits I - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211117 Nothing Can Stop the Work of God - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211110 Go and Be Freed - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211103 The Folly of Wealth Without Godly Wisdom - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211020 We Are Complete in Him - Alex - Sermon Notes
211013 The Lord Who Judges All Things - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211006 The Persistent Widow - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210929 The Lord Who Shapes Us for His Purpose - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210922 The Loyal Love of God - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210915 Lord Why Have You Forsaken Me - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210908 Blessed to Be a Blessing - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210901 God is Good - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210825 Search Me God and Know Me - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210818 Pour Out Your Hearts to God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210811 Draw Near to God - Alex - Sermon Notes
210804 Psalm 23 A Psalm of Confidence - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210728 Blessed are Those Who Confess and Repent - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210721 The God Who Speaks - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210714 The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210707 Let Your Glory Be Over All The Earth - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210630 The Righteous Have Vanished - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210623 Thanksgiving Leads to Worship - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210616 Hope in the Lord - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210609 Forgive As the Lord Has Forgiven You - Alex - Sermon Notes
210602 God of the Chaos - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210526 The Theology and Spirituality of the Psalms - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210519 The Psalms - The Structure and Theological Background - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210512 The Gaze of the Soul - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210505 Benefits of Gods Word - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210428 If You Are a Child of God - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210421 The Tragedy of Godlessness - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210414 But David Found Strength in the Lord His God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210407 You are the God Who Sees Me - Alex - Sermon Notes
210331 Giving God What Belongs to Him - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210324 Gods Presence In A Godless Season - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210317 Spiritual Blessings In Christ - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210310 Courage to Look Within - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210303 Saul's Last Days - The Cost of Disobedience - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210224 Knowing the Father through Jesus - Alex - Sermon Notes
210217 Success, Cunning and Deceit-The Things We Can Achieve without God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210210 Selfish Pursuit Leads to Destruction - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210203 The Lord Who Restrains Us - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210127 David Spares the Lords Anointed - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210120 Discernment and Trust - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210113 Faithfulness and Truth - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
201216 When Trials and Tribulations Come Our Way - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201209 Deception and Covenant Relationships - Carrie - Sermon Notes
201202 The Lord Your God is in Your Midst - Alex - Sermon Notes
201125 The Rage of Jealousy and the Beauty of Gods Favour - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201118 Faith Overcomes Overwhelming Odds - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
201111 Moving On - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201104 The Lure of Glory and Honour - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201028 A Man After God's Own Heart - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201021 Courage Through Confidence in the Lord - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
201014 God's Faithfulness - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201007 Our Sovereign and Merciful God - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200930 The Shift (A Call to Repentance) - Shanti - Sermon Notes
200923 When God Leads Us to His Plans for Us - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200916 Ps 19 The Glory of God - Carrie - Sermon Notes
200909 Can God Be Replaced - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200902 The Glory of God - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200826 Listening to God - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200819 Hannah's Prayer - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200812 When Evil is Not Restrained - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200805 From Bitterness to Joy - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200729 Psalm 24 - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200722 Human Darkness and God's Light - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200715 I Shall Not Want - Ps Jacq - Sermon Notes
200708 Whom Shall I Fear - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200701 When God Answers Our Prayers - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200624 Prayer Repentance and Restoration - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200617 But You Lord Are a Compassionate and Gracious God - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200610 Sorrow into Praise - Ps Jacq - Sermon Notes
200603 Redefining Blessedness - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200527 God is Our Deliverer - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200520 What is Man that You are Mindful of Them - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200513 Discovering Life in Jesus Christ - Ps Jacq - Sermon Slides
200304 Persistent Prayer - Ps Adam
200219 Strength in the Inner Man - Carrie
200212 Child Like Faith - Ps Adam
200205 Vine and Branches - Ps Jacqueline
200129 Unless the Lord Builds - Ps Adam
200122 The Joy of Restoration - Ps Adam
191113 Psalms 18 - Ps Jacqueline
240214 Faith: Taking Hold of the Promises of God - Pr Adam
240207 Praying Before Acting - Pr Jacqueline
240124 Living in the Blessings of Salvation - Pr Jacqueline
231213 Renewed by His Word - Pr Adam
231206 From Darkness to Light - Pr Adam
231129 Give Thanks to the Lord-His Love Endures Forever - Pr Jacqueline
231122 The Way of the Remnant - Pr Adam
231115 You Are Valuable to God - Alex
231108 Taking Hold of God's Promises in Difficult Times - Pr Adam
231101 Rest - Pr Jacqueline
231025 The Harvest is Plentiful - Pr Jacqueline
231018 The Holy God - Pr Adam
231011 The Unfruitful Vineyard 2- Pr Adam
231004 The Unfruitful Vineyard - Pr Adam
230927 The Branch of the Lord - Pr Adam
230920 When We Despise Our Foundations - Pr Adam
230913 Freedom in Christ - Alex
230906 Intervention Before Destruction - Pr Jacqueline
230830 Isaiah-When God is Left Out - Pr Adam
230823 God's Attributes - Alex
230816 Guide Me in Your Truth - Pr Jacqueline
230809 Raised to be God's Children - Pr Adam
230802 A Prayer Life That Shapes our Life - Pr Adam
230726 Apart From God - Pr Adam
230719 Gods Vision for the Church - Pr Adam
230712 The Mighty Presence of God - Pr Adam
230705 Exclusive Devotion - Pr Jacqueline
230621 An Invitation to Ask, Seek, and Knock - Pr Adam
230614 My Eyes Have Seen The King, The Holy God - Shanti
230607 A Sensitive Heart-A Heart That is Shaped By God - Pr Adam
230531 Steadfast in the Holy Scriptures - Pr Jacqueline
230524 Like a Child - Pr Adam
230517 The Blessing of Being Secure in Christ - Pr Adam
230510 What is Mankind that You Are Mindful of Us - Pr Jacqueline
230503 Stepping Out in Faith - Alex
230426 Do You Love Me - Shanti
230419 Dying to the Old and Living in the New - Pr Jacqueline
230412 Embracing Hope in Adverse Circumstances - Pr Adam
230405 A World That Mocks and Scorns Jesus Christ - Pr Adam
230329 Wash Me - Shanti
230322 Christ Has Prepared A Place For Me - Pr Adam
230315 The God Who Delivers - Pr Jacqueline
230308 Rending Our Hearts Before the Lord - Pr Adam
230301 The Blessed Life of the Vulnerable - Pr Adam
230222 Fasting and Prayer - Pr Jacqueline
230215 The Path of Life - Shanti
230208 The Lord's Prayer - Pr Adam
230201 Calling on the Name of the Lord - Alex
230125 The Presence of God - Pr Adam
230118 Stand in the Gap - Pr Adam
221214 Blessed is the One - Pr Adam
221207 In His Time - Alex
221130 Worship in Spirit and Truth - Pr Jacqueline
221123 Spiritual Blessings-Sin Separation and Race - Pr Adam.mp3
221116 Spiritual Blessings- Spiritual Authority - Pr Adam
221109 To Be Born Again-Regeneration - Pr Jacqueline
221102 Life Flows from the Inside Out - Shanti
221026 The God Who Called Us is Faithful - Alex
221019 Spiritual Blessings-Knowing God - Pr Adam
221005 Power to Witness - Pr Jacqueline
220928 The Seal of the Holy Spirit - Pr Adam
220921 Get Wisdom Though It Cost All You Have - Shanti
220914 Storing Eternal Treasures - Pr Jacqueline
220907 Spiritual Blessings Part 2 - Pr Adam
220824 The God of Second Chances - Alex
220817 Knowing Every Spiritual Blessing - Pr Adam
220810 Stand Firm - Pr Jacqueline
220803 Being Spiritually Awake - Pr Adam
220727 Life in the Spirit-Having the Mind of Christ- Pr Jacqueline
220720 Life in the Spirit-From Old to New - Shanti
220713 Fullness of the Spirit - Pr Adam
220706 The Gifts of the Spirit-Love is the Better Way - Pr Adam
220629 Fruit Bearers - Shanti
220622 The Gifts of the Spirit-The Mind and The Spirit- Pr Adam
220615 The Gifts of the Spirit 4 - Pr Jacqueline
220608 The Gifts of the Spirit 3 - Pr Jacqueline
220601 The Gifts of the Spirit 2 - Pr Adam
220525 The Gifts of the Spirit - Pr Jacqueline
220518 Sowing and Reaping - Pr Adam
220511 Life in the Spirit-The Fruit of the Spirit - Pr Jacqueline
220427 Life in the Spirit - Pr Adam
220420 Freedom in the Spirit - Pr Adam
220413 The Servant King - Pr Adam
220406 Unity in the Spirit.mp3
220330 The Church: A Spirit-Filled and United Community - Pr Jacqueline
220323 A New Community - Pr Adam
220316 The Holy Spirit: Good Works, Confrontation and Courage - Pr Adam
220309 Life in the Spirit - Shanti - Sermon Notes
220302 A New Covenant - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220223 The Pentecost - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
220216 Another Advocate - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
220209 Who Can Contend with the Lord - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
220126 The Holy Spirit - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211215 Come All Who Are Weary - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211208 The Right Response - Shanti - Sermon Notes
211201 Bless the Lord and Forget Not His Benefits II - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211124 Bless the Lord and Forget Not His Benefits I - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211117 Nothing Can Stop the Work of God - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211110 Go and Be Freed - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211103 The Folly of Wealth Without Godly Wisdom - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
211020 We Are Complete in Him - Alex - Sermon Notes
211013 The Lord Who Judges All Things - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
211006 The Persistent Widow - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210929 The Lord Who Shapes Us for His Purpose - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210922 The Loyal Love of God - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210915 Lord Why Have You Forsaken Me - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210908 Blessed to Be a Blessing - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210901 God is Good - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210825 Search Me God and Know Me - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210818 Pour Out Your Hearts to God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210811 Draw Near to God - Alex - Sermon Notes
210804 Psalm 23 A Psalm of Confidence - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210728 Blessed are Those Who Confess and Repent - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210721 The God Who Speaks - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210714 The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210707 Let Your Glory Be Over All The Earth - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210630 The Righteous Have Vanished - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210623 Thanksgiving Leads to Worship - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210616 Hope in the Lord - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210609 Forgive As the Lord Has Forgiven You - Alex - Sermon Notes
210602 God of the Chaos - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210526 The Theology and Spirituality of the Psalms - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210519 The Psalms - The Structure and Theological Background - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210512 The Gaze of the Soul - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210505 Benefits of Gods Word - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210428 If You Are a Child of God - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210421 The Tragedy of Godlessness - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210414 But David Found Strength in the Lord His God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210407 You are the God Who Sees Me - Alex - Sermon Notes
210331 Giving God What Belongs to Him - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210324 Gods Presence In A Godless Season - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210317 Spiritual Blessings In Christ - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210310 Courage to Look Within - Shanti - Sermon Notes
210303 Saul's Last Days - The Cost of Disobedience - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210224 Knowing the Father through Jesus - Alex - Sermon Notes
210217 Success, Cunning and Deceit-The Things We Can Achieve without God - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210210 Selfish Pursuit Leads to Destruction - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210203 The Lord Who Restrains Us - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
210127 David Spares the Lords Anointed - Carrie - Sermon Notes
210120 Discernment and Trust - Pr Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
210113 Faithfulness and Truth - Pr Adam - Sermon Notes
201216 When Trials and Tribulations Come Our Way - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201209 Deception and Covenant Relationships - Carrie - Sermon Notes
201202 The Lord Your God is in Your Midst - Alex - Sermon Notes
201125 The Rage of Jealousy and the Beauty of Gods Favour - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201118 Faith Overcomes Overwhelming Odds - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
201111 Moving On - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201104 The Lure of Glory and Honour - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201028 A Man After God's Own Heart - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201021 Courage Through Confidence in the Lord - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
201014 God's Faithfulness - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
201007 Our Sovereign and Merciful God - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200930 The Shift (A Call to Repentance) - Shanti - Sermon Notes
200923 When God Leads Us to His Plans for Us - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200916 Ps 19 The Glory of God - Carrie - Sermon Notes
200909 Can God Be Replaced - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200902 The Glory of God - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200826 Listening to God - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200819 Hannah's Prayer - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200812 When Evil is Not Restrained - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200805 From Bitterness to Joy - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200729 Psalm 24 - Ps Jacqueline - Sermon Notes
200722 Human Darkness and God's Light - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200715 I Shall Not Want - Ps Jacq - Sermon Notes
200708 Whom Shall I Fear - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200701 When God Answers Our Prayers - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200624 Prayer Repentance and Restoration - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200617 But You Lord Are a Compassionate and Gracious God - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200610 Sorrow into Praise - Ps Jacq - Sermon Notes
200603 Redefining Blessedness - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200527 God is Our Deliverer - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200520 What is Man that You are Mindful of Them - Ps Adam - Sermon Notes
200513 Discovering Life in Jesus Christ - Ps Jacq - Sermon Slides
200304 Persistent Prayer - Ps Adam
200219 Strength in the Inner Man - Carrie
200212 Child Like Faith - Ps Adam
200205 Vine and Branches - Ps Jacqueline
200129 Unless the Lord Builds - Ps Adam
200122 The Joy of Restoration - Ps Adam
191113 Psalms 18 - Ps Jacqueline